In a world recovering from a devastating pandemic, A.I. developed by shady governments evolves into a threat known as the AiPOCALYPSE, seeking to eradicate humanity. As a resilient Shayder survivor, you navigate the world, trading for essentials and learning rhythmic patterns to destroy A.I. mines harvesting Aideate!
The game is a unique hybrid of RHYTHM and RPG with multiple ways to play, tons of UPGRADES, WEAPONS, and CLASSES to augment your playstyle, and diverse SONIC PACKS to enhance your experience!
Your mission is to uncover and weaponize long-forgotten rhythmic patterns to thwart the A.I.’s plan for global destruction!
This was my first studio release. This game is a rhythm rpg made for mobile. I worked on this project for 8 months primary on the shop, the rhythm stage, minor art, weapon progression system and much more.
You can view more about the game on our company website, which I also built, here.